Classes and methods for fitting growth curves
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Package GrowthCurveLibrary


package  Properties


class  ExportDataClasses
class  GrowthCurve
 This class represents growth data for one strain. More...
class  FitPoint
class  GrowthDataPoint
class  GrowthCurveCollection
class  ImportRobotData
class  ImportPreviousFile
 Loads a file previously unloaded by the curve fitter More...
class  Import16MinuteFile
class  ImportDateTimeCSV
class  ImportNumericTimeCSV
class  AbstractFitter
 This abstract fitter implements a lot of basic fitter functions. More...
class  NonLinearFitterWithGradientAndHessian
 A wrapper class for the alglib functions, used to fit non-linear models More...
class  ExponentialFit
class  LinearFit
class  Delegates
class  SimpleFunctions
class  GroupFitter
 Fits a collection of growth curves, trying to account for a time point dependent residual More...
class  LightWeightGC
interface  IAbstractFitter
 A generic interface, in the hopes of eventually cleaning the thing up with a more OO programming method More...
class  LogisticModel
 A class to fit the Logistic Growth Model More...
class  MixtureErrorModelClass
 Mixture model for the error, assumes the mean of the error is zero for both components More...
class  OffSetExponentialFit
class  OutlierDetector
class  QuadraticLinearRegression
 Transforms y values, calculates value, goes for it you could say More...